Espero que esse post seja o primeiro de uma série onde teremos toda a staff do Mayaan. Para começar, a GM mais ativa atualmente, Nutcase.
Por motivos pessoais, ela não quis revelar sua identidade...
Se alguém puder me ajudar a traduzir seria ótimo...
Name: [Witheld]
GM Nutcase, GM Salvage, Tensa Pistachio, Gen. Maya Eleanor (all are GMs. I'll not give out info RE my legit account, sorry.)
Birthday: Sept. 10, 1986.
Place where you live: Philippines.
Tell us a little about of your city:
Smoky. Quiet. You can hear the wind here properly, how strong, or how weak.
Tell us a little about yourself:
I'm crazy. That's it. o.o
What are your Hobbies / Interests:
Drawing, Writing, Kendo, Arnis.
Favorite Movies: There's one... I forgot. =
Favorite Musics: There's one... I forgot. =
What is the origin of your nickname:
The name of my current guild. [Inactive]
You play aeRO since when:
2005 (actually, 2004, but I'm not serious during that time.)
Tell us a little about your history on the server:
Started socializing last January 2008 after lurking in the shadows. Practically a nobody. I only have few friends.
How you joined the staff of Mayaan? You were a player?
I applied, forced (joke!). =
Who are the members of the Mayaan's staff now (GMs/Admins)?
All Full GMs have authority on all servers, but server-wise, GM River is my superior in terms of handling GM matters like Bans, etc. GM Bean, albeit our Admin, is not that active, which can be frustrating sometimes. A Dev GM sometimes drops by, and she's a real big help. GM aBay also frequently checks Mayaan in daytime +8GMT. =]
What the tasks you do as a GM? What are the duties of a GM?
Implement the rules, provide moderation on the game, assist and provide information to players on their concerns in-game, officiate events to increase player enthutiasm, and maitain overall balance of the game, while eating criticism and reports day by day.
What are the advantages and disadvantages to be GM?
Advantages? I could have taken advantage of my powers, but I'm a coward about that. Disadvantages? I no longer enjoy the game, since I'm not able to play normally.
What is the worst time you spent on staff? At some point have thought about leaving it?
I'll disappear soon. As how as I appeared randomly, I'll disappear randomly. RE "worst part", no comment.
What player / GM that you would like to know personally?
Player? Would be Ria. GM? Would be... Dianne (former GM)
What was the best event you ever did? And the worst?
According to the surverys, they all suck. =]
What do you think of Mayaan now? There is something that needs improving?
Everyone needs to improve. EVERYONE.
A message for the Brazilian players:
Stop thinking about racism. If you do, you'll just sink further into oblivion. Help each other and follow the rules. If possible, learn English. I also say this to the Filipino community.
Final considerations:
I no longer consider myself...
Hall da Fama
Mayaan Top Guilds
terça-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2009
Entrevista: GM Nutcase
Postado por
Marcadores: Entrevista, GM, Nutcase

Horário das Woes
04:00hs as 06:00hs
10:00hs as 12:00hs
Obs.: Horário de Brasília.
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